Equipo is the Spanish word for “team.”  It also means “I equip.”
It also describes my approach to translation: you and I are a team.
I give your English words the Spanish voice that you need to convey your message to Spanish speakers.
And, I equip you with everything you need to communicate with people who speak only Spanish.
Sociological and cultural aspects are crucial in translation; my Latin American background and intimate
knowledge of the culture will give your message the depth and  timbre it requires. I think in both languages, and I love
moving from one to the other and back again, especially when I can use it to help others.
Allow me to be of assistance to you.

Hello. I’m Sarah.


Arriving in Mexico at the age of one, as I was placed in the arms of loving Mexican grandparents and uncles, I spoke only one word: “toast”. My memories begin there, in a small town that quickly became a large industrial city. I returned to the U.S. just in time for kindergarten, my heart full of rich, musical Spanish words; my mind ready and anxious to learn English. And I fell in love with it.  I focused on it to such a degree that a useful talent soon emerged: typos jumped out at me in everything I read. 

(A deeply devout Catholic child, I once found a typo in a Bible, which was…confusing.)  I majored in English and studied journalism, and have extensive experience in proofing and polishing articles, websites, presentations, legal papers, and essays. I am also a registered nurse, and provide medical interpreting and translating. The cultures and languages of the U.S. and Mexico continue to weave themselves together in me: a colorful, never-ending tapestry which gives me joy and comfort.



It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I love language.
I love the order, the discipline, the rules, and the exceptions.
When your work needs to be flawless, get in touch.